An Automatic electronic apparatus for making calculations or controlling operations that are expressible in numerical or logical term.


Hacking means guessing or cracking a password by a specific coding or by a software. It is done by Hacker who has a great knowledge about computer and networking system.


  1. WHITE HAT HACKER: Those Hacker who take permission by Government or Company or Organisations to hack their system and tell them about their bugs and loopholes.

2. GREY HAT HACKER: A grey hat ( greyhat or gray hat) is a computer hacker or computer security expert who may sometimes violate laws or typical ethical standards, but does not have the malicious intent typical of a black hat hacker. The term began to be used in the late 1990s, derived from the concepts of ” white hat ” and ” black hat ” hackers.

3. BLACK HAT HACKER: Those Hacker who don’t take permission by Government or Company or Organisations to hack their system. They hack servers for there personal use or for any Dark Web Organisations. They sell Details of that organisation for money.


  1. PHISHING: Phishing is a common type of hacking and hacker’s best way to get information. In this kind, Hacker makes a fake webpage, application, any link or wish messages. When a host access on that protocol by his/her details like Mails, Password, Credit Card Details, etc. All the details directly store in Hacker’s Server and The Hacker can access your details and sell it for illegal work.
  2. BRUTE FORCE: Brute Force is done by a Software, it is used to hack a system by attacking millions of keys and password. It takes a lot of time to crack any system.
  3. Fake Permission: Some Applications take all the unnecessary permission and store there copy in your phone and transfer each and every details of your activity. Some examples are When you search any product on e-commerce website or App that same product appear on your Facebook page or any other online Platform. All the E-commerce sites do this because they get paid to share your search details with third party Applications. So this is up to you that to whom will you give permissions or not.

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